Addresses for locations - geocoding

A frequent task is the assignment of geocoordinates to existing addresses. The addresses processed in this way can be used to generate a variety of added values. We use the Osmocoder developed by us, which can deliver structured results based on free data.


Display on a map

Our customers often want to display their locations on a map, for example. In order to position these locations in the right place, a pair of coordinates is required that can be used for this purpose.

This allows end customers to find their store locations on a map (store search) and enables them to carry out competitive analyses.

Properties on offer can also be displayed on a map via an address assignment. Combined with other information, the real estate offers can be checked for value and allow a quick pre-selection. This saves time and costs for your company.

Display on a map


Distance calculations

In addition to the visualization options, “invisible” functionalities can also be implemented. For example, these coordinates can be used to calculate distances (as the crow flies).

This is used, for example, to sort a list by order of distance from a given point.

Distance calculations


Location analysis

The use of geocoded addresses is even more extensive when they are combined with other geodata. This can then be used to mathematically calculate how much purchasing power is available in a certain area, for example, or how many of your customers are served by how many sales representatives in your sales territories. The applications are extremely numerous. We are happy to offer you support in the form of consulting and software development. Please feel free to contact us.


Address Verifications

Geocoder data can also be used to check address lists for correct spelling. The addresses in your databases may have spelling errors and can then be compared in the geocoding results. This can then be checked both “manually” and automatically.

We are happy to refer to the origin of the data we use. We obtain it from the OpenStreetMap project. There, the so-called on-the-ground rule applies to the recording of information. It states that only the spelling of the street signs is binding for the naming. This guarantees that everyone can orientate themselves on site using the aids that are actually available. The names in street directories and the signs on the streets are often different. The free data from OSM can therefore offer real added value.


Auto-complete or type-ahead search

Another area of application for our geocoder is its use for address searches on the Internet.

After just 2 or 3 keystrokes by the user, a suggestion list with zip codes or city names is displayed. The required address results are then displayed in a list and can be selected with a quick click for the user's convenience.

Type-Ahead search


Further information can be found on our website